Lea Hill Village Homeowners Association
Homeowners Meeting Notice
Saturday, Feb 1, 2025, 7:00 pm at the Clubhouse!
January 15, 2025
Dear Homeowner:
The annual meeting of the Lea Hill Village Homeowners Association is scheduled for Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 7 PM. The meeting will be held in the newly remodeled clubhouse!
If we have a quorum present, we will vote to approve the reset of one-, two- and three-year staggered terms as defined in the bylaws, as no record of which terms expire when has yet been discovered, so all positions will be up for formal election. Nominations will be held for 3 trustee positions for 3-year terms, 3 trustee positions for a 2-year term and 3 trustee positions for a 1-year term. If you are interested in volunteering to serve, the time commitment is minimal, and you can help determine the direction of the HOA in the future. Nominations will be taken from the floor, as well as from proxies. We will also take a vote, if we have a quorum of 19 in person or by proxy, to waive the 2024 audit which would save over $2500 in 2025. Per RCW if 67% of a quorum present, in person or by proxy at a meeting where a vote is taken on whether to perform an audit is taken, vote to waive an audit, it can be waived. If you want to help keep cost and thus dues down and you cannot attend, please consider sending in a proxy so we can waive the audit. The board doesn't feel one needs to be done every year which is what we have been doing, but we need your votes in order to waive it. Our President and Community Association Managers will preside over an open forum for homeowners to ask questions. 
It is important for every homeowner to try to attend this meeting, but if you are unable, please return your enclosed proxy, indicating who you would like to authorize to cast your votes on your behalf.  Either email or mail the proxy back to the address on the proxy. Proxies must arrive prior to the start of the planned meeting time to be counted so leave plenty of time if mailing. We hope to see you Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 7 PM.
The Lea Hill Village Board of Trustees/Office/Term expires*:
Amy Santiago, President, appointed September 2021, new term expiration to be determined
Carol Kidd, Secretary, appointed January 2018, new term expiration to be determined
Sandra Jones, Trustee, appointed February 2023, new term expiration to be determined
Tracy Cao, Trustee, appointed October 2024new term expiration to be determined
5 additional open positions, currently vacant, new term expiration to be determined
*Per RCW Trustees remain in place past term expiration until their successors are elected or appointed.



Lea Hill Village Annual Meeting Agenda 
February 1, 2025, 7 PM

1) Call Meeting to Order (Board)

2) Attendance and verification of quorum (10%=19)

3) Reading/Approval of Minutes from 2/1/2024

  • No minutes on record, there was no quorum, just an agenda--a town hall was held

4) Reports of Officers: President, Vice President, and Treasurer

  1. Review of MyHOA-Online.com LLC Month-End Financials Packages/Invoice Billings
  2. Status of Accounts - Operating/Reserves 
5) HOA Manager’s Report (Eydie will be absent)
  1. Included in new and old business below
6) Old Business (board)
  1. Security upgrades and internet installation pending
  2. Ongoing graffiti and dumping
  3. Other old business
7) New Business (board)
  1. Board considering updating all mailboxes in 2025 rather than waiting for RUL on Reserve Study
  2. Nomination and election for open board positions and staggered terms
  3. Vote to waive 2024 audit
  4. Other new business

8) Next BOD Meeting:  

Immediately following annual meeting in Feb and every 2nd Tuesday, monthly, at 7 pm via Webex, link is on the main page of the HOA site, no meeting Feb 11th in lieu of tonight's meeting

9) Next HOA Meeting: 

November 2025 budget meeting, date tbd

10) Executive Session if required (Board Members/PM Only)

  1. Delinquencies/Aging Report/Fines/Liens (Actions Proposed and/or Taken)
  2. Homeowner Payment Plans (Status)

11) Motion to Adjourn Regular Meeting (Amy)