Lake Winterwood BOD Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2024

Location: Dave Chavez's Home

General Meeting (6:30 pm)

1) Meeting called to order 6:30 pm by Dave C.

) Attendance and verification of quorum: Dave C., Michael L., Elizabeth T., Rick S., Chris M.

Guests: None: Eydie & Michael Leighty excused

3) Approval of Minutes from July BoD Meeting: Motion to approve.  Approved.

4) Voting Report; ratify passed decisions/votes taken since last meeting:  Motion to ratify.  Ratified.


Date Voted

Issue Title



Acc Paint Color Change-Different from Last Acc request



Vote to Reimburse Rick Schmid for Bench Parts and Bee Spray $26.12



Playground Safety Inspection $725 Iverson and Associates



ACC Request to Stain Fence



Reimburse for Pressure Wash, Replace Boards, Paint Pump House $39.60



Approve July Bod Meeting Minutes



ACC Request to Paint House



Reserve Study for 2025 Budget Year For Board Review and Approval



Approve Purchase of Trespasser Vehicle Cards $42.99 + Tax



Gazebo Reservation NNO



2024 Annual Meeting Notice and Agenda for Board Review and Approval



Repair Bridge Near Pumphouse



Reimburse S. Martin for Bike Parade Expenses $377.43



ACC Request to Paint Home

 5) Financial Review July statement:

  • Income/Dues delinquencies: 2 homeowners 3 months delinquent. Lien warning notice sent
  • Expenses: June expenses totaled $16,047.42.  Expenses include two payments to PLM in the amount of $4,127.31 each, one for June and one for July.  This reconciles last month’s June report.  2025 Cedcore Reserve Study $763.17, Sound Pest Management, two wasp/bee treatments: $247.95 and $253.46.  Reimbursement for general maintenance items $39.60 and $26.12 to Rick Schmid.  Expenses in the amount of $761.60 were transferred from Reserves.  (Pacific Arboriculture greenbelt tree removal).     
  • Reserve Balance: $62,068.24


Congratulations to our NNO Volunteers and Award Winners!  Great Job!

·        Grill Masters: Graeme Chapman, Dwight Motz & Mike Thomas (Special thanks to Graeme, Rick Schmid and Rich Hartnett for loaning their grills for this event)

·        Setup/Cleanup, games, Snow cones: Michael, Angela, Kai & Ethan Lee, Sasha & Chris Martin, Lindsay & Graeme Chapman, Courtney Chase, Blayne & Jesse Sanden, Kathie, Wayne and Wyatt Pritchard, Buddhi Kunwar

·        AWARDS:  

·        Cornhole Competition: Team 1:      Jenneil and Erik Johansen     Team 2:  Courtney Chase & Ken Knipp

·        Winner Side Dish:                            George Tantzen

·        Winner Dessert:                               Aubrey Burke

·        NNO “Nat” Coloring Competition: Bella White and Audra Miracle

 Limited Access Gate dedicated “Thomas Chase Jr. Gate” in memory of Tom’s original creative idea and commitment to keeping our community safe.  Dedication certificate presented to Cathy Chase

6) Old Business

• Annual Meeting Preparation: 9/11, presentation layout/review: Slide presentation reviewed and updated.  Michael Lee to send a PDF version for final review.  Elizabeth to reach out to Committee Leads to ask them to present Committee updates/accomplishments and goals for the upcoming year.

LW Committee updates:

Events: National Night Out results: 111 participants: 95 family residents, 4 Covington City Officials, 7 Police Officers, 5 Fire Officers.  The Limited Access Gate dedicated “Thomas Chase Jr.” Gate.

Next up: End of Summer Fun: Thursday, August 22nd meet in the park.  Proposed Movie Night September 7th or 14th

Communications: Movie Night, Annual Meeting, Cleanup day survey/flyers

 Maintenance: Clean up Day rescheduled: Saturday, September 14th  Rick presented options for repair and budget on Bridge Repairs, Playground and Street Lighting. There is concern with lateral deflection on bridge by gazebo. Rick to check in with contractor to assess whether a cross brace truss is required. For cleanup day volunteers will replace rotted cross member timbers on all bridges.  Playground clean up/repair will take place based on recent inspection recommendations – replace play chips, perimeter boards, new consolidated sign with age limitation and new hardware.  Remove sand area and replace with play chips.  Rick to check with Ryan at Pacific Arboriculture to see if we are able to get a good price on wood chips.  Board decided to table the street lighting at this time until we have a more clear understanding of type of lighting required.


Safety: Next safety meeting: Tuesday, August 13th, 7 pm

7) New Business

• New sign along entrance to community that states: “No Soliciting in Lake Winterwood” There has been an increase of vendor solicitation in the neighborhood raising concerns about safety and validity of vendors.  Lindsay Chapman mocked up “No Solicitation” sign and a consolidated sign for the Playground Rules which included required language on child age  limitations per recent Playground Safety Inspection performed by Iverson & Associates. 

Proposed cost for each 18x24” sign: $62.37 + tax. Expense for signage approved by board.

 • Maintenance concern: Condition of beach, plan for ongoing management: Board will address cleaning the beach more often with PLM (our landscape management team).  With the clean up of the playground, board discussed moving the sand from the playground to the beach.

8) Next BOD Meeting: Annual Meeting, Wednesday, September 11th, 6:15 pm doors open, 6:30 pm begins

9) Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm