Foxwood HOA 
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
via Webex


Call to Order and Roll Call: 

Willie Blackburn called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:16PM on 08/01/2024. This was an online Webex meeting.

The following board members were present: Willie Blackburn, Scott Johnson, Meagan McBride, and Eydie Leighty, Manager with LLC.

Previous Meeting Minutes: The board minutes from the July 11, 2024. Motion to approve by Scott, Meagan 2nd, all were in favor. 

Issues/Voting Report :

2024-07-11 to 2024-08-01

Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 21015 7/11/2024 Damgd Mailbox Locbetw17533&17539 SE 259Th Pl-$2576.19 ABS (Up To $2700)
Foxwood 21603 7/17/2024 ACC Patio Cover For Back Deck

Finance Report:.

We reviewed our finances and budget:

Operating Balance: $ 55,221.29
Total Reserves: $ 28,683.11
Total Assets: $ 83,904.40
Issues Passed without a meeting since last meeting:

Passed Voting Results Report - 2024-07-11 to 2024-08-01
Account Name    Issue    Date Voted    Issue Title

Foxwood    21603    7/17/2024    ACC Patio Cover For Back Deck


Committee Reports:

Social/Welcome: Jess handed out welcome baskets, one left to deliver.

National Night Out: Facepainting, Kona Ice Truck, Pizza and Hot Dogs 8/6/24

ACC: see above

Old Business:

Eydie to follow-up about replacement mailbox in the works. 


New Business:

ACC: Vote taken to approve up $200 for maintenance items by anyone on the ACC Committee.  Motion to approve, Meagan, Followed by Willie, all were in favor. 



The next meeting will be held on September 12, 2024. 

Scott motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:52PM, seconded by Willie, all were in favor. 

Minutes were submitted by Meagan McBride.