Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Beginning Time: 6:03 PM


Carl Scheurman, President

Chrisy Meeker, Vice President

Jeff Neir, Treasurer

Katie Kosty, Secretary

Jessi Jagne, Director at Large 


1) Call Meeting to Order - (Carl)

2) Reading/Approval of Minutes from 01/31/2024  Meeting

  1. Vote approved to ratify minutes. Unanimous. 

3) Officers' reports:

President's report (Carl)

Vice President (Chrisy)

  1. Easter Egg hunt this Saturday!

Treasurer's Report (Jeff)


Operating Balance:       $             69,604.65

Total Reserves: $             57,773.01

Total Assets:     $             127,377.66

  1. 17 unpaid dues for 2024

  2. 4 have liens on property

    1. Warning letters were received on 3/21/24

    2. 1 paid dues from 2023 and still have balance for 2024

  3. Suggestion - wait on notifying 2024 unpaid properties until after new policy is approved. Still need 2 votes by board to be approved

  4. Legal fees so far this year: $475 for redoing collection policy

4) HOA Manager’s Report (MyHOA-Online) (Eydie)

Vote to ratify all previously approved Issues in Issue Manager. Approved unanimously. 

Vote to approve Issue 21172. Passed unanimously.

Passed Voting Results Report - 2024-01-31 to 2024-03-28

Account Name Issue Date Voted     Issue Title

Vintage Hills 20994   1/31/2024      ACC Request For Security Cameras

Vintage Hills 21092   3/14/2024      Lien And Collection Warning For 5 Owners Over $931 In Arears

Vintage Hills 19762   3/14/2024      Mail Box Cluster Replacement Bids ABS $35926 All Incl From Res V Lockbox Bid Below

Vintage Hills 21148   3/20/2024      Retro ACC New Roof Underway Without Approval Pabco Premier Antique Black

Vintage Hills 21034   2/20/2024      Reroofing, Owen's Corning Duration Midnight Plum (Failed) Estate Grey (Passed


FAILED Voting Results Report - 2024-01-31 to 2024-03-28

Account Name Issue Date Voted     Issue Title

Vintage Hills 21034   2/14/2024      Reroofing, Owen's Corning Duration Midnight Plum (Failed) Estate Grey (Passed)

5) Old Business 

  1. Mailboxes

    1. Contractor needs map with house numbers to verify placements

      1. Also notify which boxes are top priority

  2. Rules and Regulations document

    1. Seek additional advice from attorney

      1. Get quote for redoing with current WA and Federal laws

      2. Do they have a canned doc we can adopt for VH?

  3. Entrance on 124th split rail fence

    1. Have quote to replace but not painted

      1. Vote to approve up to $500 to get done. Passed unanimously. 

  4. Need quote to paint all existing fences in neighborhood. 

6) New Business

  1. Berkshire Glen fence along 124th is in disrepair

    1. Contact with their HOA to issue violations notice

  2. Greenview Estates fence is in disrepair along retention pond

    1. Contact with their HOA to issue violations notice

  3. Insurance policy increases by more than 30%

    1. Review document to ensure no unnecessary policies are included in the quote

  4. Corporate Transparency Act

    1. Reach out to attorney for new policy for the HOA Board to report

  5. Bark needed

    1. Vendor: Aardvark Bark Quotes are needed to see how much it would cost to get bark in the same areas as last year

  6. Power washing need

    1. Common areas, Jeff would send a map of the areas needed. Sidewalks, roundabouts, signs in the common areas around the neighborhood. 

  7. Eydie mentioned HOA’s need to register with the government for the Corporate Transparency Act by years end. Carl said to push that requirement out until November. This might be something we would like to revisit in the June meeting. 

8)  Next BOD Meeting:

Thursday, June 27, 2024, 6:00 PM

Meeting number: 2555 256 4383

Password: W4bGSPC8bd5 (94247728 from phones)

Potential Topics:

  • Easter recap

  • Power Washing recap

  • Legal check in

  • Reserves Study

9)  Next HOA Meeting: (TBD, November 2024)

10) Motion to Adjourn Regular Meeting