Foxwood HOA 
Annual Board Meeting Minutes
February 09, 2023
via WebEx


Call to Order and Roll Call: 

Willie Blackburn called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:08 PM on 02/09/2023. This was an online Webex meeting.

The following board members were present: Willie Blackburn, Weston Grammer, George Barnes, Scott Johnson, Meagan McBride, and Eydie Leighty, Manager with



The board minutes from January 12, 2023, were reviewed. Scott motioned, Meagan seconded, and the minutes were approved with no corrections.


Issues/Voting Report:

There were no votes taken between meetings. 

Finance Report:

We reviewed current finances and the budget. Our Operating Balance as of the end of January was $39,927.19, our Total Reserves was $24,805.19. Total Assets were $64,732.30.

As of January 12, 2023, $7,560 in dues have been received. 

The financials are off by about $50 due to a change of processing. This will be corrected by our next meeting. 

Currently one owner is in arrears for dues. Sent to legal April 22.  

Committee Reports:






Old Business:

Mailboxes: Still waiting for man to come out to do an in-person quote. Eydie has recommended a possible second reliable company she's worked with prior.
Light Issue: The amount of the installation was quoted at $30k. This doesn't seem feasible with the possibility of impending changes to 256th street due to the new development being put in just off of HWY 18. 

New Business:

Car Prowlers in the neighborhood. Discussion of ways to make fellow neighbors aware, who are not on the Foxwood HOA Facebook group, such as email, mailings, word of mouth, and possibly having a block watch meeting, which would be provided by the local Police Department. 



The next meeting will be held on March 9, 2023, at 7PM.

Scott moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:36PM, seconded by Weston. 

Minutes were submitted by Meagan McBride.