Annual HOA Meeting- December 15, 2022 @ 6:00 PM


Officers in Attendance:

Dennis Casadoro, President

Mike Cassel, Treasurer

Richard Williams, Secretary


I. Roll Call

·  Lot 1    Absent

·  Lot 2    Absent

·  Lot 3    Absent

·  Lot 4    Chos

·  Lot 5    Absent

·  Lot 6    Phil

·  Lot 7    Mike

·  Lot 8    Absent

·  Lot 9    Richard Williams

·  Lot 10 Phan Loc

·  Lot 11 Gary

·  Lot 12 Dennis

·  Lot 13 Absent

·  Lot 14 Chris Blair

·  Lot 15 Absent

·  Lot 16 Don

·  Lot 17 Danelle

·  Lot 18 Abdul

·  Lot 19 Absent

·  Lot 20 Absent


·  Guests: Eydie


Call to order by HOA President @ 6:10 PM


II.  Minutes Review of Annual HOA Meeting 1/20/22

Motion to ratify minutes by President/Second by Treasurer and Secretary

5 Lots voted to approve, no lots opposed.

Result: Minutes approved


III. Budget Review for 2023:

·         Question raised about current amount of reserve balance. Balance $3435.53

·         Motion to approve budget/Second by Lot#14

No lots opposed,

Result: 2023 budget approved


·         Comments: 

o    It was explained that one board term is from one annual meeting to the next; 2 annual meetings. Owners elect the Directors and then the Directors elect the officers (board).

o    Annual Dues invoice process includes PayPay to pay online. Beware when mailing a check, the length of time it takes to be delivered. Do not drop off payment at officer’s homes. Make check payable to HOA.

IV. Old Business 

·         No old business referenced.


V.  New Business

·         Changes to By-laws; Clerical changes were made. Annual meetings were in January based on past practice. Change was made to move the meeting from May to the fourth quarter of each year.


·         Elections for board member terms. Eydie explained the length of a team for board members. Dennis running for HOA board again. Don accepted a nomination for board seat. Lots in attendance voted in the chat for either Dennis or Don. Tally was 6 votes for Don and 11 votes for Dennis. Result: Dennis elected as board member.


·         Vendors were being approached by home owners. Home owners were asked to make their requests to the board for community related items.


·         Lot #16 asked if money had been allocated to place a 10 foot perimeter around pond next to lot.


Motion to adjourn/ Second by Lot #16

      Meeting adjourned @ 6:51 PM