Westview Meadow Board of Directors Meeting
November 10, 2023 @ 5:00 PM PT
via Webex


 Officers in Attendance:

            Dennis Casadoro, President

            Mike Cassel, Treasurer

            Richard Williams, Secretary

            Eydie, Management


Discussed allegations of one lot’s former tenants      

Discussed potential for neighborhood security guards.

Discussed increasing collections for legal to handle. $400 flat fee for demands. 

Discussed a Discrimination and Harassment Policy 

Voted to send top debtor a lien and collection warning notice due to large dollar amount of fines.

            2 years’ worth of fines accumulated, HOA pays $9.50 for mailing notice 

Discussed HOA Dues for upcoming year

Possible $300 increase in annual dues for total of $1k for legal

            Allows for $4k in legal cost for year. Up from $1200

            The management fee has to increase to $500 per month. Up from $360 per month. 

Discussed the following

·         Finishing parking strip amendment

·         Consultation on vandalism

·         Alleged harassment case from former resident. Authorized management to speak to an attorney for legal guidance and assistance and for collections demand case. Top debtor has potential for lien if collection not paid but will defer to legal for assistance. Approved notice of 30 days if no response from debtor. Permission given to mgt to send to legal. The attorney may lien at their discretion. Need for legal to advise of using homes as rental property while residing in home.

Reviewed agenda for annual HOA Meeting

            Approved unanimously

Motion to adjourn at 7:07 pm

            Mikel motioned to adjourn

            Richard seconded motion


Meeting adjourned @ 8:30 PM